Michel Tuffery
Fanua, 2021
Drawing, Pigment inks on Hahnemuhle Photorag 308 Cotton Paper
1020 x 1020 x 60mm framed
Ed. 2 of 7
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The lush palette of Fanua bring sea forests to the shore. Michel Tuffery has a deepwater library at Tarakahau, ‘the wind-eater’, in Pōneke (Wellington), where he reads the patterns of...
The lush palette of Fanua bring sea forests to the shore. Michel Tuffery has a deepwater library at Tarakahau, ‘the wind-eater’, in Pōneke (Wellington), where he reads the patterns of seaweeds, and where birds wait for him to surface. Striving outwards and inwards, upwards and downwards, these floating branches are a softly turning vortex, stirred by the rythms of tides and winds.
Circlets of manulua (‘two birds’) suggest a mat for feasting or to lay upon and dream, while the energy of Fanua strives beyond its border, patterning, repatterning, and rebirthing.
Circlets of manulua (‘two birds’) suggest a mat for feasting or to lay upon and dream, while the energy of Fanua strives beyond its border, patterning, repatterning, and rebirthing.