Exhibition Opening: time is. of the essence. by Larisse Hall

23 June 2022 

Larisse Hall

time is. of the essence.

23rd June - 24th July 2022


Opening: 5.30pm, Thursday 23rd June


Fusing the ethereal quality of light with the materiality of paint and form, Larisse Hall uses light, our oldest 'time tool', as both medium and time reference.


We wake and sleep to the rhythm of light and time. It is the basis of existence. Directing routine and our daily rituals. Time is a constant yet not an infinite resource. Exploring the value of time within everyday context, Hall uses an act of spontaneity to acknowledge action and decision. Capturing a moment in time, in the present, now, she extends it into the future, to become past, then. For Hall, this highlights the fragility of our presence, while archiving existence. 


Acknowledging time is not an infinite resource, instead, a precious commodity to be cherished.


Manaaki whenua. Manaaki tāngata. Haere whakamua.
(Care for the land, care for the people, so we may go forward.)